Roxana Adams
Volunteer Coordinator
‘SOL’ Art in the Community Gardens
The ‘SOL’ Art in the Community Gardens began as a means of attracting passersby into the Community Gardens. The word ‘SOL’ is spanish for sun, and it is a little play on words with the english word ‘soul’. The connection being the ‘sun’ (SOL) feeds our plants to grow and we in turn are fed with the produce. Then, in using the same sounding word, ‘SOUL’ in english, there is a saying that goes: Art feeds the soul!
The Central Okanagan Foundation supported the Winfield, Michaelbrook and Parkinson Recreation community garden art work projects with grants, while the City of Kelowna Public Art Committee funded the St. Paul Garden project.
To see a more detailed list of contributors to the Sol Art Projects, visit Acknowledgements.